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7 - Conclusion

In conclusion, this simple program highlighted some important programming issues you need to consider for ebm coding:

  • Try to design the program first and then deal with implementation - avoiding the actual coding as long as possible often results in more carefully thought out programs.
  • Consider using state variables to manage complex program interactions.
  • Remember that from the programmer's perspective, the message loop can generate messages in varied sequence, and be prepared for it.
  • Strive for generic code - the next program then becomes more a matter of cutting and pasting, and less one of complete redesign.
  • Try to code for speed whenever possible, pre-calculating commonly used results.
  • Try to manage complexity by breaking up routines - splitting Draw() into two parts had the side benefit of adding speed to the code, while moving functions out of the message loop will help with code maintenance.

Although a simple program, you can see how much detail is involved in developing it. This column's download lets you review and compile the code discussed here, and also includes a playable SEB file. The next article continues work on this program, finishing it off by adding the extras that make it (or any other program) move from the hobbyist arena into the retail field.

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