Top 10 Power Tips For Rocket Retriever
Perhaps a little hard to see along the top, but you've got the usual Windows
controls: Minimize (dot), Maximize (square) and Close
('x'). You shouldn't need those three too often, but the important one is
at the far left side - the 'S' is for Settings. Use it often to
unlock the power settings herein...
Use It With The Two Fingered Salute!
Shift-F1 not only calls Rocket Retriever up, it hides it as well - once you get
into the habit, you may never use the mouse again...
Scan More Often
Each scan of your system updates the file list for matching. Updating more
often keeps it in sync and always ready. From Settings, select the General
panel, and move the scan speed dial to fast - remember to check the 'perform
scan automatically' box, or it'll only happen at startup!
Scan Less Often
Don't like constant scanning? Turn auto scanning off, and rescan only when
you want with the 'rescan now' button in the General panel. Scanning will
now occur automatically only at the program's start (and you can even turn that off if you want!).
For an extra little boost, turn the speed to fast, and when you do scan your drives, it'll be
over - quick.
Include All Files When Searching
Sometimes you want a file with an unusual extension (something Windows
doesn't know how to open). For that, go to the Extensions panel, and
check at the bottom 'Ignore these settings and scan for all files'. Next
scan, you'll get it all. Once you do that, you'll notice these 'new'
files are not colored normally - that's your clue that Windows can't open them.
Open a Directory Instead of a File
Now you have these extra files listed, what to do? When you double-click
or hit Enter on a selection, it tries to open the file. If it doesn't know
how to, it opens the directory the file is in instead. To do this every time, with
every file, just hold down the Shift key when opening.
Set the Display The Way You Want It
The Display panel has useful entries to make the display easier to use -
change the coloring and font to make the text more readable (or to fit more
onscreen). You can also change the display style (called 'skins'), and adjust how
columns are displayed (via the Panel Display). For instance, you can place the
directory column last so it doesn't get in the way.
Use Dual Searches
When searching on one item isn't enough, use the '/' character to
search on two strings at once. Looking for bitmaps about cats? CAT/.BMP
will find files that match 'CAT', with '.BMP' following. Try it - it really
cuts down on search sizes! And with version 3, there's also the '\' character, which
searches no matter which part is in front, so VIENNA\ULTRAVOX will find the song,
whether the title OR the artist comes first.
Use Wildcards
Don't know what's in a name, but sure it's something? Use the '?' wildcard
to match - for instance, CAT?.BMP will find CAT0.BMP, CATZ.BMP,
CATS.BMP and so on - but not CAT.BMP - can you see why?
Change The Space
Filenames with spaces in them are hard to search for, because one or more
spaces are difficult to see (being invisible and all). In the Display panel you
can change the space to a visible character - use it to catch when there's
one too many (or few) spaces in the search string.
Get All the Help You Want
The Help panel takes you everywhere - call up the initial 'newbie' dialog
again, view the help file, or go visit our website for even more
info. Help is only a click away!
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