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3 - Testing For Keys

To check for these and other keys, you could use a simple message loop such as the following:
  S32 CWindow1::MsgHandler(MSG_TYPE type,CViewable *from,S32 data)
    if ( MSG_KEY==type )
      switch (data)
        case K_JOG_UP:
          // process key... 
        case K_JOG_DOWN:
          // process key... 
        // and so forth for specific keys...
          // handle all other keys here
      return 1; // handled - prevents beeping
    return CWindow::MsgHandler(type,from,data); // default message handler
Note there are two ways to end processing of each key message. Returning 1 (true) tells the parent routine the message has been processed completely. Calling the default window message handler CWindow::MsgHandler() lets ordinary processing continue. For keys, this will often result in a beep, which may or may not be your preference.

The column's sample program (both source and .SEB file) uses a message loop like this to display all key characters, as well as the special key values. With it, you can get a feel for the user interface options available.

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